東海岸のストリートスケートの歴史に残る名作スケートビデオ『Static』シリーズのフィルマー、ジョシュ スチュワートが立ち上げた、NYCマニアックな デッキブランド PICTURE SHOW
70年代 古き良きアメリカ映画を題材に、デザインされたプロモ映像とデッキデザインは
The Picture Show Cassette Deck...
This graphic brings us back to an era when all media wasn't accessible at any time at the tip of our fingers. The anticipation of what movie you were going to find at the video store on a Friday night, the excitement of pushing the VHS tape into the machine and the weird trailers that played before the main feature that helped build the moment leading up to the start of the film. Somehow nothing else captures the feeling of the classic movie experience than the simple VHS tape. And Picture Show has captured that vibe with their new staple, the "Cassette" deck.
*Comes in assorted wood stains
*MOB GRIP 9inchデッキテープ無料サービス!!
MOB GRIP 9inchデッキテープは